Rockdale FFA
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Officer Duties

Rockdale FFA Officer Team

Chapter Officers serve a vital function in the FFA. By taking a major leadership role, these students grow from the experience and benefit the chapter. it should be the officers' goal to lead by example and encourage other members to participate in chapter activities.

This list was compiled by the  officer team. It is their commitment to themselves, each other, and their fellow FFA members:

1. Be on time.
2. Be Prepred.
3. Be at ALL meetings
4. Be on both LDE and CDE teams
5. Set a good example
6. Get more people involved.
7. Make everyone feel wanted.
8. Communication!!!
9. Be respectful.
10. Help with Jr. FFA
11. Everyone does what they are asked.
12. Don't argue with members.
13. Always work as a team.


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