Rockdale FFA
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Hisotry of Rockdale FFA
The Rockdale FFA Chapter started in the fall of 1933. H.D. Maxwell was the advisor, and enrolled forty-six male students to take vocational agriculture. Under Mr. Maxwell's leadership, the boys formed into an FFA Chapter.
The first officer team consisted of :
President: Bob Tyler
Vice President: Herbert Caywood
Secretary: Tommy Coffield
Treasurer: Graham Kyle
Parliamentarian: Marshall Floyd
Watch Dog: Vernon McGuyer
Song Leader: Oliver Gee
Yell Leader: Mark Towery

The first Lonestar Degree was awarded in 1936 to Claudie Muston.

In 1937, the Rockdale FFA recieved its charter and the program grew steadily throughout the next two decades. In 1954, Mr. Maxwell left the vo-ag position to become principle. Rockdale native Albert Timmerman Jr. became the new vo-ag teacher.
Mr. Timmerman, a 1947 graduate of Rockdale schools, was FFA president in 1946 and was Lone Star Farmer that year under Mr. Maxwell.
Mr. Timmerman and the FFA program continued to grow and in 1965 when the department enrolled over 100 students, Mr. Billy Hall was employed as the second vo-ag teacher. Mr. Hall, a 1956 Rockdale graduate, had studied under Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Timmerman. Mr. Hall was the local chapter's secretary in 1955 and was Lone Star Farmer that year.
By 1970, two new programs had been added to the vo-ag curriculum, cooperative agriculture and farm power. Walter Pond of Jacksonville was employed as the third vo-ag teacher. Mr. Pond completed his student teaching at Rockdale.
In 1973, a greenhouse was constructed and ornamental horticulture became the fourth unit offered by the RHS vo-ag program. The greenhouse was destroyed by a fire in 1976, but was replaced within the next year.
The Rockdale FFA Chapter has produced over 150 Lone Star Farmers, six American Farmers, numerous district and area officers, and many award winning teams at all levels.


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